Have you seen the new banner? MMUUF is “Standing on the side of love.”
Unitarian Universalists affirm unconditional, universal love as a foundation and grounding for our actions in the world. We strive to be of service to our communities and advocate for change on local, state, national, and international levels.
Through the Standing on the Side of Love campaign UU congregations amplify the voices of the oppressed through online media; we show up in partnership at justice events across the country; we lobby national leaders on immigration reform, racial justice, equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people, religious freedom, and more; and above all we work to make love real in the world.
Over eighty percent of Unitarian Universalist congregations, and many more individual UUs and others who care about justice, have become a part of Standing on the Side of Love.
Mahatma Gandhi did it. Mother Theresa did it. Martin Luther King, Jr., did it.
We do it.