Thanksgiving Advent

Many Christians view Advent — the month of spiritually preparing for Christmas — as a vital part of observing the holiday. Rev. Barnaby looks at how Thanksgiving might be saved from commercial corruption by its own Advent period and some UU-grounded practices that might help.

Rev. Barnaby Feder, a lifelong UU, was raised in the San Mateo, Calif., congregation. After several decades as a reporter, primarily with The New York Times, he entered seminary in 2008. He has served UU congregations in Morristown, N.J., Stroudsberg, Pa., and for the 11 years that ended June 30, the Champlain Valley UU Society in Middlebury. He is edging into “retirement” as the half-time interim minister for the Universalist Unitarian Congregation of St. Johnsbury. He and his wife, Michele, live in Middlebury with an odd cat named Alma.