Speaker: Catherine Stevens

What exactly happened to the UUA Principles and what do the new Values mean for our Fellowship?

A year ago, the UUA approved changes to Article II of the UUA bylaws including the creation of new Values in place of the Principles. Confused? Come to the service to learn more about the changes and join us in a discussion about our individual thoughts about the Values and how our Fellowship might incorporate them.
Catherine Stevens lives in Jericho with her husband and their two dogs. She recently retired as a resource development director for non-profits and is looking for an opportunity to continue helping on a project basis. She and her husband like to travel, to learn about other cultures and history. Closer to home, she travels to Mills Riverside Park almost daily to enjoy nature with her dogs. Catherine is a member of the MMUUF and has served on the Sunday Service Committee for 15ish years.
Kristen Hayden-West is a member of the Mt. Mansfield Unitarian Fellowship where she serves on the Membership and Sunday Service committees. Beyond her work as a Curriculum Designer for the State of Vermont, and her side hustle flipping thrifted items on eBay, she enjoys being active outside and getting together with friends and her two adult children.

How do you find truth in the news?

With the increase in social media, media bias, and even Artificial Intelligence, what can we do to make sure that what we read/watch/hear is true? The thought of examining each news story before believing it is daunting. But if we want to know if something is true, is that what we need to do?

Catherine Stevens lives in Jericho with her husband and their two dogs. Her professional life began in marketing, and about 20 years ago she began using the same skills as a Development Director, responsible for fundraising, grants and communications for non-profit organizations. She enjoys travel, not only seeing new places but also learning about other cultures and history. And, while she is still very interested in news, it has proven to be a challenge to know what is true.

View the service recording here: https://youtu.be/imzc_ZpsA6M

Reflections on Gratitude

Can the practice of gratitude have a positive effect on your daily life? In this service, Ann and Catherine will share their thoughts and reflections and ask others in attendance to share their own experiences.

Ann Bonanno and Catherine Stevens are both members of MMUUF as well as members of the Sunday Service Committee.

“Does the First Principle apply in the face of evil?”

Does the First Principle apply to everyone or is it a wish or an aspiration? When evil acts occur, does the First Principle apply to the people who committed those acts?

Catherine Stevens lives in Jericho with her husband and two dogs, is the Advancement Director at Green Mountain Habitat for humanity and a member of the MMUUF Sunday Service committee.

Please remember that each Sunday we ask Fellowship Members to bring a donation for the local Jericho Foodshelf. Our Fellowship has been asked to provide canned fruit when possible. Our contributions are critical to their important work!

Please send any announcements or gratitudes for the Order of Service insert to admin@mmuuf.org. Deadline is the Friday before the service. Thank you.