Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos

Most everyone is feeling unsettled these days. What can be done to not be swept away in the mania? Mary Kintner will explore ways to keep your balance.

Mary Kintner has an undergraduate degree in social welfare and nursing, and is a doctor of Chiropractic. She has been meditating and teaching yoga since the 1970s. Mary is coasting into retirement but still doing chiropractic, massage, teaching yoga and educating people about diet and nutrition. She loves to be outdoors and lives with her polydactyl cat, Polly.

Sunday Service

Services are led by members of the fellowship and by invited guest speakers, including visiting UU ministers and leaders of other faiths. Each Service explores a different topic. Check back later for this Service’s topic. Services will be held in person and virtually via Zoom. Please email if you are interested in joining us on Zoom.


Sunday Service

Services are led by members of the fellowship and by invited guest speakers, including visiting UU ministers and leaders of other faiths. Each Service explores a different topic. Check back later for this Service’s topic. Services will be held in person and virtually via Zoom. Please email if you are interested in joining us on Zoom.

Sunday Service

Services are led by members of the fellowship and by invited guest speakers, including visiting UU ministers and leaders of other faiths. Each Service explores a different topic. Check back later for this Service’s speaker and topic. Services will be held in person and virtually via Zoom. Please email if you are interested in joining us on Zoom.


Services are led by members of the fellowship and by invited guest speakers, including visiting UU ministers and leaders of other faiths. Each Service explores a different topic. Check back later for this Service’s speaker and topic. Services will be held in person and virtually via Zoom. Please email if you are interested in joining us on Zoom.

Memorial Service

Services are led by members of the fellowship and by invited guest speakers, including visiting UU ministers and leaders of other faiths. Each Service explores a different topic. Check back later for this Service’s speaker and topic. Services will be held in person and virtually via Zoom. Please email if you are interested in joining us on Zoom.

Final Service

Services are led by members of the fellowship and by invited guest speakers, including visiting UU ministers and leaders of other faiths. Each Service explores a different topic. Check back later for this Service’s speaker and topic. Services will be held in person and virtually via Zoom. Please email if you are interested in joining us on Zoom.