Speaker: Sunday Service Committee

Passages: Welcoming New Members and Celebrating a Successful Year

Join the Sunday Service Committee for a service of reflection, gratitude, and celebration of our fellowship year. This will include reflections from members and friends on services, songs, discussions, or activities from the service year. There will also be a time during the service when friends of the fellowship can join our community as members by signing the Book of Members.

Gathering the Waters

The Sunday Service committee is ready for another Fellowship Year! This service will incorporate a new tradition. At the last service in June, we handed out index cards to the Fellowship and asked them to write what they hoped to do or see during the summer. At this opening service, we will ask people to share what they wrote and if it came true, in addition to “sharing the waters” from a special place. The index cards were attached to everyone’s name tags and will be waiting when people enter the Barn. We also invite everyone to bring a small container of water from your home or a place you visited to combine into a community bowl as a symbol of our joining together again. All water is sacred. Folks attending via Zoom can share their water virtually and also share what they wrote on their cards at the last service.

Gathering of the Waters

As is our tradition, we will take time to share with each other some of our experiences from the summer. Where have the past three months led you on your spiritual journey? As you ponder that question, please prepare a sentence or two to share with the Fellowship. It has been a summer like no other, and we all have much to share. But please keep your remarks brief and focus more on your spiritual journey than your physical journeys.
This year we won’t be collecting water at the barn – committee members will be at the barn to add water to our joys & concerns bowl as you share your thoughts.
And if you can’t join us on Sunday, please send an email with the words you’d like to share, and we’ll read it to the Fellowship.
Thanks so much, and hope to “see” you this Sunday.
 – The Sunday Service Committee


Gathering the Waters

On Sunday, we will come together to begin our new Fellowship year – via Zoom. As is our tradition, we will take time to share with each other some of our experiences from the summer. Where have the past three months led you on your spiritual journey? As you ponder that question, prepare a sentence or two to share with the Fellowship. It has been a summer like no other, and we all have much to share. But please keep your remarks brief and focus more on your spiritual journey than your physical journeys.

Collecting Water at the Barn
If you would like to mingle some water that symbolizes your journey with the common waters of the Fellowship, you can come to the barn anytime before the afternoon of Saturday September 12 and pour your water into the container you’ll find near the main entrance. Please be sure it is well sealed as you leave. And if you can’t join us on Sunday, send an email with the words you’d like to share and we’ll read it to the Fellowship.

Gathering the Waters

It hardly seems possible that it is September already, but it is, and it’s time for us to gather together again in friendship and exploration.  This service will be our traditional Gathering the Waters, which will allow us to share a little about important and meaningful events that we experienced this past summer.  We ask those who come to bring a small container of water to join with the water of others in a common vessel.  It could be water from a trip, from a special body of water (lake, ocean, river, stream) or it could be water from your own tap.  All water is sacred.  If you forget the water, not to worry, we will have some on hand, and you can still share memories of the summer.  We invite all our members and families from our communities to join us in beginning another year of sharing and fellowship!