Archives: Services
Gratitude, Meditation & Movement: Finding focus when everything feels like too much!
Tending to Home in an Uncertain Time
MMUUF fellowship member Mike Sweeney will share his thoughts on what it means to have a strong sense of home, his experiences of losing and rebuilding a sense of home for himself and his family, and the importance of doing the human work in our spiritual and other local communities to tend to our collective home as a way to cultivate strength and protection during an uncertain time.
The Mutual Gifts of Intergenerational Connection
Christmas Eve Service
Our theme for this service of songs and readings is “Coming Together”. We will close the service with our tradition of lighting candles and singing Silent Night so if you are joining us virtually, please have a candle ready at home. All are welcome!
What’s Next?
My Bag of Worries
Becoming Braver Angels: Depolarizing the United States
Tired of all the “us vs. them” dialog surrounding the recent elections? Come listen to a brief talk by Braver Angels Ambassador Mary K. Dennison. Braver Angels is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to address the political polarization that exists in our country
Things That Don’t Go Together: How Religion and Politics Don’t Mix
In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, Rev. Nicoline shares how the process of truth and reconciliation currently underway north of the US/Canada border has transformed how she thinks about concepts like identity, citizenship, and the country she calls home.
A lifelong Unitarian Universalist, Rev. Nicoline Guerrier has served the UU Fellowship of Plattsburgh, NY as minister since 2018. Previously a “bi-vocational minister” who combined ordained ministry with social work, she is also biracial, and almost bi-national, as she resides in Montreal and commutes to the US for work.